On June 14, we drove up to Kalamazoo Michigan to attend the 25th Annual UKC Premier Dog Show. We took Senka and King Ghidora. Senka was entered in 3 days of Novice Nosework Trials, 3 days of Conformation, and as a Total Dog contestant. King Ghidora was entered in 3 days of Conformation.
Overall, we were pleased with how both dogs showed and were happy with Senka’s first foray into competitive Nosework. The final tally for the weekend was:
King Ghidora:
- Day 2 – Conformation Best Grand Champion, Best of Breed
- Day 3 – Conformation Best Grand Champion, Best of Breed

- Day 1:
- Conformation Reserve Champion
- Day 2:
- Nose Work (Novice Exteriors) Qualifier
- Conformation Reserve Champion
- Day 3:
- Nose Work (Novice Vehicles) Qualifiers x2, 3rd Place, 2nd Place, New Title: Novice Vehicles
- Conformation Champion of Champions